Guest post marathon world …
Inspired by World’s Strongest Librarian, Matt at Life Without Pants, and Nick at Site Sketch 101, I’m going to embark on a (hopefully) massive guest posting tour. Why would I do this? Well, I’ve found that I write better when someone gives me a topic. And since nobody’s really been asking me a lot …
Random searchosity
It’s been a while since I’ve done a post like this, but considering that yesterday I got a flaming blog comment from an 11 year old Canadian who found my blog by Googling “are there real unicorns on earth?”, it seemed only right and proper to resurrect the concept.
Now, for your reading enjoyment, …
Some housekeeping
You might notice things look a little different around here. I’m giving my blog a much-needed facelift. Granted, I’m not done yet, but I’m just setting the stage for some new fancy designs that are on their way (with the assistance of the amazingly awesome @ashleymarie6).
New theme
First major …