Mid-Year Review

Matt Stratton | Jun 21, 2006 min read

Just got my review from my boss. This has nothing to do with money, so it’s not that important, but in case you care, here’s what he had to say:

Matt has continued to be a steady performer for the implementation team, delivering quality projects within projected timeframes. Matt is a team player and on multiple occasions has stepped up to take on additional projects to help the team. Matt is constantly trying to find a better way to do things. He had worked on automation to help the team eliminate the mundane tasks that suck up so much time. He has also worked very hard to clarify and improve process and procedures to assure consistent project delivery.

Matt is never shy about pointing out a problem with a particular project or process. Matt brings issues to management attention in a timely manner so that projects don’t run astray. Matt’s confidence has only grown from the time that he had been hired into the bank.


_Customer focus

Team player

Automation and process_


_Time management

New technology knowledge

Detail oriented_

Well, it’s nice to be appreciated.