This is a new feature that I’ll be doing weekly. It’s the Wednesday Web Wanderings…aka, “a bunch of awesome links, provided to you by Matt, because he is awesome.”
This week, our theme is Unicorns.
Charlie the Unicorn (YouTube)- The original. The best. Charlie is a unicorn that is hassled by two other unicorns who are kind of douchey. But all they want to do is go to Candy Mountain. I can’t tell you why this is funny. You just have to experience it for yourself.
Charlie the Unicorn 2 (YouTube) – Like most sequels, this falls apart in its attempt to recapture the surreal brilliance of the original. But the blue and pink nemesises of Charlie are just as obnoxious and evil as ever before, and Charlie still comes across as a modern-day Archie Bunker, except he’s magical and has a horn.
Unicorn Anatomie (LiveJournal)- I’ve always known that unicorns are dangerous, but nobody ever listens to me. If you don’t refer to this important document, I can’t be held responsible.
10 Reasons It Would Rule To Date A Unicorn – Sometimes it can be hard to find your soul mate. Especially when your soul mate would rather date a unicorn. How could you compete with someone who can turn mosquitos into Skittles and jellybeans?
How To Make An Origami Unicorn – I bet your future soul mate would be impressed if you gifted her with a unicorn made out of paper though. This is how you have to think if you don’t want to be defeated by the unicorns in the game of love.
Obama and Unicorn T-Shirt – I bet you think that Barack Obama was elected President of the United States based upon his platform of change and his amazing charisma. You are wrong. It was the unicorn lobby. They are powerful, I tell you. POWER. FUL.
Unicorn Rainbow Blood – More proof that the ‘corns are taking over the Internet, one blog at a time. (Note – it may appear that this site has no unicorn-related content, but I think that it’s just a clever code that I haven’t figured out yet.)
(I don’t have a source for the Unicorn vs. Shark-with-frickin-laser-beam image, but it’s been all over Facebook. If you know the source, please tell me in the comments so I can properly attribute it.)