Wednesday Web Wanderings for 2/11/2009 – YouTube Awesome Edition

Matt Stratton | Feb 11, 2009 min read

This week’s theme of the Web Wanderings is pretty straightforward – awesome YouTube videos.

First on the list…FaceBook In Reality

If you’ve ever tried to explain to someone, namely your parents, what

Facebook is like…well, it’s nothing like this video. But I like it anyway.

Also, the one guy looks kind of like my friend Scott Smith. But it’s not.

More videos after the jump!

How Did I Google This?

Ever found yourself starting out facing the Goog with an innocent search,

perhaps “restorative powers of unicorn horn”, and before you know it,

you’re staring down the barrel of a conspiracy theory site authored by

Tiffany Brissette? Yeah, me too.

Dunder and Dwightning

We all remember dancing to the hits of Sweet Diss and the Comebacks

at our junior high school dances, but did you know that they are fans

of The Office too? This song WILL get stuck in your head. But that’s

not really a bad thing.

Technoviking (NSFW)

I’m not even going to bother trying to explain this one. Would you try

to explain to someone why a sunset makes you cry? Would you try to

explain away the mystique of a perfectly dipped beef sandwich from

Mr. Beef? Of course you wouldn’t.

Barenaked Ladies – Pollywog In A Bog

No clever commentary for this one. It’s just cute as hell. Plus, my
friend Fuzzy helped with the puppets

The Website Is Down (NSFW)

This was passed around my office a little while ago. There seriously

were several developers who injured themselves from amusement.

My team of sysadmins laughed along with them…until it dawned on

them how close to home it really hit.