I make my living designing, implementing, and supporting IT infrastructure based on the Microsoft stack. So it should come as no great surprise that I have a large collection of useful links for IT Pros who work with Microsoft infrastructure. These links are primarily targeted at system administrators – if you want tips and links related to products like Office, Vista, or Microsoft Bob, you’ll have to wait for a future post.
SharePoint Joel’s SharePoint Land ****– Someone once described Joel Oleson as the “SharePoint Pope”, and it’s a fairly apt description. Joel has the distinction of being “the first SharePoint administrator” (at least that is what he said when I saw him speak a few weeks ago) and there’s really nobody else out there who knows more about SharePoint than him. If you ever get the opportunity to hear Joel speak, his presentations are always engaging and really make you think about such fascinating topics as governance and taxonomy. And if you don’t think that those topics are “fascinating”, you probably aren’t a big enough SharePoint nerd to appreciate him.
Operations Manager Live – If you’re a hardcore Microsoft sysadmin, you’re probably managing your servers and workstations with System Center Operations Manager (previously known as MOM). There’s a LOT to know about this product – and the OpsMgr Live site is a great resource for this.
Kevin Holman’s OpsMgr Blog – Kevin is a PFE (Premier Field Engineer) with Microsoft, with a wealth of knowledge on Operations Manager. His blog is always a great go-to resource for esotheric OpsMgr related issues.
System Center Forum – This is THE place to look for any questions you might have related to the System Center Suite (SCOM, SCCM, or SCVMM). There’s actually a really cool Management Pack for OpsMgr called “ReSearch This” which will look up your issue directly in System Center Forum for you.
Cameron Fuller’s Technical Theories Ramblings and Rants (T2R2) – The author of some seriously awesome System Center books, Fuller has a great blog for the Microsoft sysadmin nerd. If you want to really deep dive into these products, make sure you add this to your bookmarks or feed reader.
Got any favorite Microsoft nerdboy links? Tell me about them in the comments!