

While poking around a bit today on the Lijit site, I came across a promo for a service/site called Zemanta. Described as a tool to “help you to blog smarter by suggesting related content, in real-time, for what you’re writing,” Zemanta seemed like something I wanted to check out.

Zemanta is a free …

Wednesday Web Wanderings …

As I mentioned before, I’ve recently switching my blog over to using the super-mergatroid-flexible WordPress theme of Thesis. And no, I didn’t just do it because Doniree did. Well, maybe.

Today I am dusting off the Web Wanderings to provide you with some cool links that are Thesis-related. Maybe you …

Some housekeeping

You might notice things look a little different around here. I’m giving my blog a much-needed facelift. Granted, I’m not done yet, but I’m just setting the stage for some new fancy designs that are on their way (with the assistance of the amazingly awesome @ashleymarie6).

New theme

First major …