
Why I’m Considering …

Long-time readers of this blog will be aware that I have been a vocal supporter and proponent of the Thesis framework for WordPress for quite some time. This site runs on Thesis, and I am always keen to recommend it to others (for crying out loud, there’s a giant ad for Thesis in my sidebar). That …

Speeding Up WordPress, …

A while ago, I wrote up a small post posting the results of the “blog speedup” I did for my friend Jenn. What I didn’t do was actually explain HOW I did it. This post will dive into the settings and steps needed to make your WordPress blog super-duper fast. NOTE: This will only work on a …

Making Jenn Fast – How I …

Speed matters, right? It’s a proven fact that the speed of page load has a direct impact on Google rankings and visitor conversion. Well, it’s about as proven as anything is on the Internet, which basically means that a lot of us think it sounds logical, so it must be true. Regardless, having a …