Carrie and I went with Jessica last night to see Harry Potter and The Magicallly Annoying Tourists Who Walk Really F’ing Slowly at Navy Pier.
I liked it. Except for the Navy Pier part. The 3D was annoying. The movie was fun, but unremarkable.
However, I have to say that Tonks looked a lot like my …
GRINDHOUSE delivers …

Saw it last night. Audience loved it. We all cheered. Huge applause at the end of each feature.
This movie DEFINES “gratuitous”. But that’s what makes it brilliant.
More later, as I’ve got a lot to say about it. But I will say this …
Can I get a copy of this? …
Incidentally, this picture was from our camping trip a while ago. I like it.
I’m so very tired today. For some reason, I really had a hard time falling asleep last night, so I was up until 2 AM watching The Aristocrats – which I really enjoyed. I …