Time for yet another new feature at Good Old Rock – the RSS Recommendations__! In this section, I will share with you a choice blog that I follow in my feed reader. I’m planning to provide new blog reviews every week, so keep your eyes open. For the time being, I’m going to focus on blogs I already follow, but if you really truly have some amazing recommendation, you can feel free to share it with me – but please do not suggest your own blog. I have over 120 blogs in my feed reader, so it will take me some time before I need new suggestions. Enjoy!
Blog Name: Lifehacker
Tagline: Tips and downloads for getting things done
URL: https://www.lifehacker.com
Feed URL: https://lifehacker.com/index.xml
Category: Technology
Today’s feed recommendation is Lifehacker, published by Gawker Media. First launched in 2005 by founding editor Gina Trapani, Lifehacker is now edited by Adam Pash, and features daily postings related to the efficient use of technology. Lifehacker is a strong subscriber to the Getting Things Done system created by David Allen, and it’s fairly common to see postings explaining how best to implement this system using various services, products, and technologies.
Lifehacker has also created some of their own custom code, including some incredibly useful (in my opinion) Firefox extensions, including Better Gmail, Better Flickr, and Better YouTube. Often times, these extensions are simply a compilation of many popular Greasemonkey scripts, but that does not negate their usefulness. I am especially a fan of Better Gmail.
One regular feature on Lifehacker is the “Hive Five”, in which the blog asks readers to submit their top suggestion for a tool or website on a specific topic – and then the top five are filtered to the top and presented as the “best of the best”. Previous Hive Five subjects have been People Search Engines, Travel Sites for Cheap Tickets, and File Syncing Tools.
I recommend adding Lifehacker to your feed reader if you are a heavy user of technology who tends to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of choice available. Lifehacker is usually on the cutting edge of newly released software (especially Apple related tools and systems), and I have definitely changed my habits and approaches to things such as feed reading management due to their posts. Incidentally, if you don’t yet have a feed reader, why not check out the Hive Five for feed readers? How’s THAT for meta?
RSS Recommendations are in no way, shape, or form the result of any payoffs, kickbacks, or other such nonsense. All RSS Recommendations are based purely upon my interest in the recommended blog, and I assure you, all recommended sites occupy a space in my Google Reader. Suggestions for the Recommendations are welcome, however, no site will be added to the Recommendations until I have followed it in my reader for a minimum of six months.