RSS Recommendation – Bleed Cubbie Blue

Matt Stratton | Apr 13, 2009 min read

bcbBlog Name: Bleed Cubbie Blue

Tagline: A Chicago Cubs Fan Community Since February 9, 2005


Feed URL:
Category: Sports

In honor of the Cubs home opener, I’ve decided to feature my absolutely favorite Cubs blog, Bleed Cubbie Blue. BCB is the darling of Al Yellon, Chicago-area journalist and lifetime Cubs fan. Al has also been a member of the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) since 1983, and a season ticket holder in the Wrigley bleachers at least that long.

Al’s blog is one of the oldest Cubs blogs out there (prior to BCB, his Cubs blog started in 2003). He posts diligently, with great insight into the game, both as a fan of both the Cubs and baseball in general. As is common with any large and popular sites, Al does have his detractors, some of whom actually feel strongly enough to go start up their own site. But overall, in my opinion, you can’t really go wrong with Bleed Cubbie Blue. Al’s usually quick with breaking Cubs news, and the comments on the posts are, as usual, what makes the blog strong.

Cubs fans love to discuss minutiae, and discussion threads on BCB are rife with that. Since the absorption of BCB into SBNation, there have definitely been some changes, but I personally think they are for the better. I know that I can count on BCB during the baseball season for a wealth of information, commentary, and reports on the team that I follow with all my heart. If you are a Cubs fan, you MUST add Bleed Cubbie Blue to your feed reader. Otherwise, you’re going to be missing out.

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RSS Recommendations are in no way, shape, or form the result of any payoffs, kickbacks, or other such nonsense. All RSS Recommendations are based purely upon my interest in the recommended blog, and I assure you, all recommended sites occupy a space in my Google Reader. Suggestions for the Recommendations are welcome, however, no site will be added to the Recommendations until I have followed it in my reader for a minimum of six months.