RSS Recommendation – Action-Squad

Matt Stratton | Mar 16, 2009 min read

action-squadBlog Name: Action-Squad

Tagline: One Nation Under Squad


Feed URL:
Category: Awesomeness

The internet is full of many things. Some of these things are useful. Some are educational. Some are dirty. Some steal your identity. And some are just plain awesome.

Action-Squad is an awesomeness aggregator. If there’s something awesome on the Internet, chances are the boys at the Squad have heard of it before you and by the time you Tweet about it, Rev Dave, Greedo, Mark, Xavier Rodriguez, and Urob have not only already blogged about it, but have blogged about their blog about it. 

Many blogs purport to be hilarious and clever. But Action-Squad is consistently amusing. Yes, there are times that one might consider their humor to be of the “inside” variety – but regular readers will be aware that I consider ALL humor to be a form of an “inside joke”, and it’s just a matter of how LARGE the circle is. Read enough Action-Squad and eventually all inside jokes will be funny to you. But even if you don’t know who Cheese-Threepio is, you’re still going to get some laughs from the Squadders. 

Of course, a group whose awesome cup overflows as heavily as the Squad could not exist without a counter. The main charter of Action-Squad appears to be the exposure and eventual elimination of the Malfeasance Cooperative, which, as everyone knows, is the underground collective who purports awful things in the world, including poverty, racism, and Action-Squad imposters on American Idol.

Topic areas on Action-Squad can be quite diverse. The main areas of focus, as I have determined, are as follows:

  • Fantasy Football
  • Grand Rapids, Michigan
  • The offspring of the Squadders (aka Baby-Squad)
  • Gerald Ford
  • Things That Annoy Greedo
  • Things That Annoy Rev Dave
  • Things That Annoy Urob
  • Things That Annoy Mark
  • Gerald Ford

There is also the occasional insightful post into the worlds of PR and advertising, as evidenced by my favorite Greedo post, Make Sexy-Time in X-City Casino.

Action-Squad is an essential addition to your RSS reader if you enjoy things that are awesome, hilarious, and clever. And if you don’t, the Malfeasance Cooperative has probably already gotten to you, and you’re a lost cause. Sorry about that. The Squad can’t save everyone.

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RSS Recommendations are in no way, shape, or form the result of any payoffs, kickbacks, or other such nonsense. All RSS Recommendations are based purely upon my interest in the recommended blog, and I assure you, all recommended sites occupy a space in my Google Reader. Suggestions for the Recommendations are welcome, however, no site will be added to the Recommendations until I have followed it in my reader for a minimum of six months.