Weekend Update, ala …

Pretty uneventful weekend.

Friday night I stayed in, continuing my week of hermit-ness. Basically just IM-ed with Erika and we were mac.geeks. Then I went to bed. Yay.

Saturday I went to the post office, and then had dinner at home with Sarah and Chris. They made a ton of pasta and sauce, because a …

Just like to point out…

…that if you saw this post, it means you are in a speshul little listing. So feel speshul.


My LJ Analysis…

dandycat had this in her LJ…so I figured I’d post my Livejournal Analasys.

Your Livejournal Analasys

Your Livejournal’s Age

According to the information you provided, your Livejournal was created on 2001-04-01, meaning that your journal has been around for 649 days. What does this mean?

With over a …