Thursday Tech Tip – …

A couple of weeks ago, I posted about how to organize your RSS feeds in Google Reader. Regular reader (no pun intended) Christina of Stacked asked me for a more basic introduction to Google Reader. Since I am all about customer service (and she’s the nice gal who nominated me for the BlogNet Award), …

Week 9 and Week 10 – …

Due to some technical difficulties (ahem, laziness!), I got a little behind on my 52 Weeks Project. However, I did bang out weeks 9 and 10 (I am posting this during Week 11, but I still have several days to take that photo). Here they are, for your viewing pleasure:

Week 9/52 Week 9/52

This was taken …

More amusing search terms

Since we’re light on content today (I’m sick, leave me alone), to amuse you, dear readers, I’m providing you with yet another list of amusing search terms used to find my blog. Some of these searches amuse me because I can’t figure out why they end up landing on my page, but others I find funny just …