Baseballl been berry, …

So our friend who works for the Cubs snagged us some tickets to this Saturday’s game vs. the Yankees…apparently it’s gonna be a good one. I see that tickets for that game are going for an average for $300, and some seats are going for over a grand…

…and ours were thirty-five bucks. Should be good …

I am not a lazy whore…

Oh yeah, and like says…if you write a bio for me, I’ll write one for you. I, too, am not a lazy whore.



Just reading [info]shadesong”s LJ today…and she had a good idea…she has people on her friends list write her bio. Some are literal and true, and others are made up and fun.

So I challenge you, my loyal readers, to write a bio for me (my userinfo page is kind of boring). Post ’em here!