Friday Fun – Five Reasons …

Five Reasons It Would Be Cool If I Were Married To Liz Lemon

1. She uses “nerds!” as a curse word

  1. The word “tauntaun” would come up a lot more frequently

  2. I would be considered the socially adept one

  3. I could “go to there” anytime I wanted

  4. Five words: Jack Donaghy at my house

Five Reasons It …

Thursday Tech Tip – Rock …

It’s a proven fact* that using multiple displays is more efficient than simply having one big monitor. Of course, some people, like myself, use both – two displays AND a giant monitor. Attaching an external monitor to your laptop can give you a real boost in productivity, or at the minimum, make …

Good Old Rock is …

nokia-e61-smartphoneI recently installed a new WordPress plugin…WordPress Mobile Edition.

So if you hit this site on a mobile browser, it should show a much more mobile-friendly theme. Supposedly it’s got some fancy iPhone special action too, but since I don’t have an iPhone, I cannot test that.

Please try to load it …