It all started with a Big …

Christina: they just fixed Hubble which they say should let us see back 13 billion years (approx)

Christina: with speed of light and all that jazz – if there was life on another planet in another galaxy – wouldn’t we find out about them after it was too late

Christina: Like they could build a …

Follow Friday – …

I made a joke earlier this week about creating a “Good-Looking People” group in TweetDeck, so that I would have a column that was filled with pretty people avatars. Given that theme of my twittering this week, it seems only natural that my #FollowFriday post would feature folks who have avatars that …

I’ve got a thirst for …

logo_square_transparentThis week I’m one of the featured guests on The Thirsty Developer, a pretty awesome technology podcast. Past episode topics have included such things as SQL Server 2008, SOA, Windows Azure, and Silverlight.

This week’s episode was all about website scalability. My collegue Mike Tai and I talked with …