Circus of the Stars

Why does this show no longer exist?

What do we have to do to get an updated Circus of the Stars?

Come on people…you’re with me on this, right?

Britney on the high wire.

Tobey training lions.

The Queer Eye guys doing a trapeze act.

It’s gold, Jerry! GOLD!

like fish…

So here’s the story.

I have a friend (not a super close friend), whom we will call “Bruce”, even though she’s a girl.

She is in the States from Australia, and heading back home.

Beginning of July, she emailed me asking if she could stay with me “for about a week or so” until she went back to …

I am so sick…

…of being fat.

I went clothes shopping today with Boyband, and I swear, I am a huge blobby mess of blech.

I need to lose about 2 inches off of my waist, and my entire gut needs to disappear.

The good news is, I joined a new gym that is right accross the street from my office. I am going to make …