iPhone vs. BlackBerry

Overheard in our living room last night

Carrie: (watching me type laboriously on my iPhone) You using an iPhone is like you suddenly liking tall, thin girls with small boobs. You’re a BlackBerry man.

Matt: If I could type faster on this thing, I’d totally post that.

So yeah. I’m …

Status Report

About two weeks ago, I posted my first “progress report” on my fitness/weight loss program. It seems like a good enough time to post another one.

I’m into Week 6 of my Couch to 5K program, and it’s really going well. I have not missed a single day of scheduled running, which I’m very proud of. My …

I asked…and I received

In April of this year, my pal @Daethian on Twitter introduced me to the wonderful snarkfest that is Ask And Ye Shall Receive.  Described as a “self-imposed quixotic quest to improve the quality of the blogosphere,” the folks at AAYSR make it their mission to evaluate (at the blogger’s request only) …