Emmysue and me at the …

Snapped this picture on a new iMac using Photobooth at the Apple Store at the Mall of America. It’s actually a pretty good picture! Plus, it was neat that I could log onto Flickr from the iMac and shoot this up onto teh …

Lah dee dah…

Hanging in Minneapolis right now. Surfing teh intarwebs from a local lesbian coffee shop (I’ve been here for about four and a half hours now, but I figure I’ve earned my wifi by consuming three double mochas, a muffin, and a sandwich).

Last night Emmysue and I went to the Mall of America to engage …

Holy cats….Partytom has …

Colin 081
Originally uploaded by kmbcadoc.

Here it is – Tom Beeyachski and his spawn.

The kid already looks like trouble. God help . He’ll be the only kid to have lap dances and poker tables at his 5th birthday party