Wherein I start drinking …

If you’re a Microsoft system administrator, it’s hard to avoid PowerShell. Pretty much any of the recent versions of Microsoft server technologies are heavily reliant upon this scripting system. I’ve been resistent to it for a while now, insisting upon using vbscript for most of my scripting tasks, …

February 2011 Wrap-up

Inspired by this post by @writetoreach, I have decided to do monthly “personal” wrap-up posts. I’ve long struggled with how to integrate more personal posts with all the tech tips and other geeky type of posts on this blog, and a monthly summary seems to be a good way to do this. So without further …

Why the heck were you …

The strange Google searches that bring people to this blog never cease to amuse me. Here’s a random sampling of some of the more hilarious and obscure search terms that brought in traffic to Good Old Rock in the past 30 days:

“I’m scared of dolphins” – Clearly, this was how Tyra Banks found my blog. …