My 9/11 memory
I was not keeping my LJ during 9/11 (I started it in April of 2001, but then didn’t pick it up again until March 2002), so I can’t link back to my 9/11 postings, as they don’t exist.
But here’s how that day went for me:
I woke up, and walked over to the computer to check my email before getting in …
Rainy day commute
Wasn’t sure if I wanted to ride in this morning. Looked at the weather last night, and told Carrie “I think I’m going to skip riding tomorrow, since Monday is the only day that is supposed to rain this week”.
Woke up, saw that it wasn’t raining. Looked like it was going to be clear for the next hour …
Two things, both having …
Thing the first:
I was riding home from work yesterday, and as I was coming over the bridge on Damen (about 3 miles from home), I was coming up to a red light. So I started to slow down, and heard someone behind me honk.
I got ready to …