Horny Daniel Radcliffe

Man, I don’t know why I stopped watched “Extras”. I don’t know if I ever really started – I saw the pilot, laughed my ass off, and then never watched again.

Anyway, this clip is absolutely hilarious. It might take a couple minutes before you really get …

Collegiate Real World

**Matt:**I played in that place in band camp

Dallas: Ah… nice.

Matt: they even recorded it on cassette tape

Dallas: wow! Cassette tape!

Matt: plus, there’s a bar called the clybourn, where my friend steve threw up

Matt: and r&r’s, where we used to drink fishbowls full of everclear

Dallas: these …

Why to the Eight Ay

Originally uploaded by D-Rod.

Busy weekend coming up.

In a few hours, I will be boarding a plan bound for Philly, to meet up with Partytom. We shall then jump on a train to NYC, where we will meet and in Brooklyn for some cocktails-a-doodle (and whoever else shows up).

Saturday …