Goodbye, wedding …

Originally uploaded by Matt Stratton.

I fully realize that 6 inches of water in the basement does not constitute a crisis on the same level as many other people have experienced in their life, but it still sucks. Especially when you realize that your insurance does not cover flooding. …

dSLR Tips Post

So since a couple of my friends have just recently gotten themselves some dope Rebel XTi cameras, I thought it would be fun to put a post in place (similar to my Firefox and Computer Security posts) that is a listing of tools, resources, and books that I have found useful in the foray into the world …

Fizzle, mah nozzle…

So last night, Carrie and I went out to Fizz for a meeting of the Old Sad Bastards Club, to celebrate Mertz’s birthday. It was super duper PACKED at Fizz – in addition to the usual suspects of the OSBC, Mike and Dana were there and even Matt and Andy. And

  even showed up – apparently …