The brilliance of ESPN …
“[Wrigley Field is] a packed house tonight..most of the people here to get a glimpse of Barry Bonds”
Yeah, right guys. 90% of the people in the stands wouldn’t recognize Barry Bonds if he was sitting right next to him. Granted, 89% of the people in the stands wouldn’t recognize Derrek Lee or Carlos …
Carrie and I went with Jessica last night to see Harry Potter and The Magicallly Annoying Tourists Who Walk Really F’ing Slowly at Navy Pier.
I liked it. Except for the Navy Pier part. The 3D was annoying. The movie was fun, but unremarkable.
However, I have to say that Tonks looked a lot like my …
Back in the saddle…
So as of this morning, I feel like I am officially a bike commuter again.
The last time I rode to work was back on June 11, and even then, I only rode TO work (since I got a flat when I got there, and had Carrie pick me up after work). But now, armed with my newly fixed rear tube and tuned brakes, I …