Busy weekend

We had quite a few fun adventures this weekend…here’s a brief recap.

Friday was initially intended to be a “chill at home and go to bed early” night. We walked down to Feed the Beast to have some dinner and then planned on heading home. Right before we left for dinner, however, I got an urgent …

DJ Larkin’s Lack of Style …

So there’s this thing on Facebook where it gives you two of the people on your friends list and has you compare them on various criteria.

This one came up just now and I laughed and laughed and laughed.

Stuff and nonsense

Time for some various and sundry updates.

The Pupperoni

Carrie and I are experiencing a Scout-less weekend, since he went Up North with Carrie’s sister Becky yesterday to visit the grandparents. He’ll be back on Monday. Our house is very quiet. Also, we finally got a full night’s sleep last night – …