I’m afraid that for the time being, this blog is going to be oh-so-very meta. Blogging about blogging. Mostly, this is due to the fact that today I was busy working for a living, and didn’t have a chance to create the content I’d hoped to do today.
Last night I was up until about 1:30 am tagging and categorizing posts. I also was going crazy adding new plugins to my WordPress install. I’m getting a little obsessed.
As it’s getting to be time for me to run off to a meeting, I’ll finish up this post with some of the target areas of improvement I’d like to do with this site. And also, a list of some upcoming posts.
Areas of Improvement:
- Re-do the top banner/header/image. I love how it rotates through (although I have to add some more custom content) but it’s WAY too tall.
- Add an “about me” page.
- Figure out other interesting pages to create besides the aforementioned “about me”. Any suggestions?
Upcoming posts:
- Photo gear listing – sharing with you all my weapons of choice for photography. I’m not cool enough to rock a 50D, but I do have some decent toys.
- Photoshop tricks and tips – not anything I can really claim as 100% my own, but I’ve been tweaking some techniques, mostly based upon Scott Kelby stuff.
- What the hell am I going to do about Windows 7? – some initial thoughts, but mostly a report on how I think I’m going to completely re-build my computer. Again.
- Gaming and Matt Stratton – I have some games I like, and others I’m not sure why I play them. This post will tell you all about it.
- Reflections on the Fizzy Bizzy – Social networking is what all the cool kids are doing. I’ll expound upon why I never was cool in high school, but I now feel that I am.