Help make Good Old Rock better…and win a prize!

Matt Stratton | Apr 30, 2009 min read

Nobody’s perfect. Everything can be made better, even Good Old Rock. So I’m reaching out to you, my loyal readers, to provide some feedback on my blog – and at the same time, have an opportunity to win a prize!

Here’s how it will work – just copy the twelve questions from the fancy box below, and paste it into a new comment on this post, along with your answers. Please feel free to provide any other comments or suggestions, in addition to the questions asked. Every person who posts a feedback comment (with answers to ALL of the questions) will be entered into a drawing to win a $25 gift certificate to

  1. Are you a regular reader of Good Old Rock, or is this your first time here?

  2. Do you subscribe to the Good Old Rock RSS feed? (as in, do you read this blog in something like Google Reader, Netvibes, or on the LiveJournal page?)

  3. How often do you visit Good Old Rock? How do you get here? (Twitter links, Facebook posts, bookmark, etc)

  4. How did you find Good Old Rock?

  5. What is your favorite “content type” here? For example: RSS Recommendations, Tech Tips, Web Wanderings, Photography, or “personal updates”? Why?

  6. Likewise, what is your least favorite? Why?

  7. Do you follow me on Twitter? Are we friends on Facebook?

  8. What is your favorite kind of muffin?

  9. Is it easy to find what you’re looking for here? How could it be improved?

  10. Let’s talk about the “look and feel”. What do you think of the overall design? How would you like it changed?

  11. Are the ads intrusive? Do you run an adblocker? Do you ever click on the ads?

  12. Do you comment on posts? If not, why not? What could I do to make you more likely to comment?

That’s it! Comments will be open until the evening of May 7, 2009. At that point, I will take all the commenters, and assign each of them a number. I will pull a random number using, and that person will be the recipient of a $25 gift certificate, which will be emailed to the email address used to leave the comment. Don’t worry – I will not do anything nefarious with your email addresses. This contest is open to everyone except for members of my immediate family. Thanks!