Workout log

Matt Stratton | Feb 8, 2007 min read

Workout #1
60 minutes run/walk (700 calories!)

Workout #2
(exercises listed together were supersetted)

10 minute elliptical warmup (150 HR)

3 x 15 dumbbell bench press (30 lbs)
3 x 15 seated row (already forgot the weight, crap)

3 x 15 overhead press (45 lb bar)
3 x 15 lat pulldown (forgot the weight on this too)

3 x 15 (each side) lever side-bend (obliques)

A whole mess of boxing punches that I don’t feel like writing down, but kicked my ass

3 x 15 cable fly (25 lbs)
3 x 8 YTWL (it’s this isolation thing that is next to impossible to explain in text. But if someone cares enough to ask, I’ll try)

3 x 30 crunches
3 x 20sec plank

3 x 15 (each side) hammer curls (15 lbs)
3 x 15 tricep pulldown (85 lbs)

3 x 15 shoulder shrugs (90 lbs)

4 minutes ARC trainer on high resistance