What women expect from men….

Matt Stratton | Jan 28, 2005 | 1 min read

I don’t want to get off on a rant here, and I certainly don’t want to be cliche, but there is a remarkable amount of hypocrisy in what the average modern female person wants from her male counterpart.

They hypocrisy is too easy. We’ll come back to that later. But the largest problem I have is that women expect us to know these so-called “rules”. We’re supposed to figure out when something is creepy, and when it’s romantic. And don’t even get me started on the female orgasm. Talk about pressure! 80% of modern pop culture is rife with jokes and references to men who can’t get their women off. It’s no wonder that so many of us turn gay – much  lower expectations. Frankly, I can’t imagine why any woman in her right mind would become a lesbian – you *know* how hard that gear is to work…it’s like choosing to drive a manual transmission. You claim you prefer it because of performance, or better milage, but in reality, you just want to Prove That You Can Do It.

Hmm. I seem to have gotten a bit off track. We’ll just leave this topic with the following thing: women expect men to not be complete idiots. Women have unreasonable expectations. The end.