Weekend Recap

Matt Stratton | Jul 23, 2006 min read

Originally uploaded by Matt Stratton.

Good times, and I’m not ready to go back to work tomorrow. Working sucks.

On Friday, Carrie and I joined her friend Heather to see Bon Jovi at Soldier Field. Heather hearts JBJ, so this is what we all did to celebrate her birthday. Carrie and I ended up leaving the show a little early (around 9:30 PM), and apparently missed about two hours worth of encores. I was sorely tempted to call during “You Give Love A Bad Name” so she could sing along, but decided not to.

Yesterday morning, we dropped off Scout at the Pooch Hotel on Belmont (sidenote – while this place has received some rave reviews, we are NOT recommending it, due to the fact that a) Scout wolfed down his food and gulped down two bowls of water as soon as he got home today, making us think he was not properly fed and watered, and b) poor service from the staff when dropping off and picking up), and then headed to the Warren Dunes to join Carrie’s friends Angie and Brian for camping fun.

After rolling into the campsite, we met up with the rest of the campers, including little Aaron, and headed out to a couple of wineries. The first one we visited was pretty good, and Carrie and I bought a bottle. The second was lacking in terms of wine, but much more robust in terms of photographic opportunity.

The rest of the afternoon was spent on the beach, jumping and frolicking in the high, breaking waves of Lake Michigan. We topped off the evening by sitting around the campfire playing Botticelli, and trying not to get kicked out.

Today was more beach time, and then back to Chicago. We couldn’t have asked for better weather, and the company was fantastic too. It was great to be able to spend some actual, factual quality time with Angie and Brian (seeing as they’re sorta pretty important people to Carrie and all that) and to meet new people as well.

I just really don’t want to have to go to work tomorrow.

Honda Car Camping Photo Set on Flickr.