Way to go, Marathoners!

Matt Stratton | Oct 22, 2006 min read

Kevin and Brian
Originally uploaded by Matt Stratton.

Carrie and I went down by Old St. Pat’s this morning to cheer for the people running the marathon. We were at the halfway point, so we heard “Living on a Prayer” a lot.

We saw everyone we were looking for – although both Heather and Brittany saw US, instead of the other way around. And I think that was too concentrated on his running and didn’t see us cheering him on. I know that Jason was surprised to see us on the sidelines.

(While I was writing this, the last group of our friends just crossed the finish line.)

The fastest person was Carrie’s friend Brittany, who finished in 3:48:49. Next was with 4:01:48. Heather was next, with a time of 4:18;10, and Punches finished just behind her at 4:25:52.

edged ahead of the pack at 5:55:58, and beat Kevin by one second, at 5:59:19.

Way to go, guys! That’s super impressive to finish. And congrats to Kevin for finishing his third marathon in a row!

The rest of my marathon pictures can be seen here.