Vote for teh Marcelo and teh Drew on teh…whatever.

Matt Stratton | Feb 6, 2006 min read

My friends and are in the final ten for a cool little video contest at Gizmodo. Check it out.

Drew and I recently entered in a contest at the gadget blog to win a brand new IBM ThinkPad. The contest was to make a 60-second film noir called “Laptop Confidential” and upload it to – Drew and I pulled out all the stops and we ended up with a really great movie.

Out of the 100-plus entries, we made the final ten! And this is where we need YOUR help!

**All you have to do is go here:

And vote for our movie (called “Sucker for Dames”). You don’t need to register or give your email address or anything. Just click and vote.

You can see the first five finalists (including ours) here:

The second five are here:

We’re really proud of our little film and we truly think it’s the best one of the ten. We’d really appreciate your help in making it number one! Again, you don’t have to register or give an email address or anything – just go to the URL and vote! It really doesn’t take any time.

Thanks so much!

(vote for us)

I really think their movie is the best of the ten. I encourage you to go view them, and vote for your favorite – especially if your favorite is “Sucker For Dames”.