Some updates, in random order…
Things are progressing apace with our Halloween party tomorrow. I know that we’re doing something right when just TALKING about our decorations creeps us out. Yay Halloween!
More stuff moved into the new apartment. And Scooby (Chris’s dog) is the coolest ever. I love how dogs get excited about stuff. That’s why I like ’em better than cats.
Still haven’t done shit on my costume. That’s tomorrow’s adventure.
Talked to Ben last night. Apparently he has “extensive notes” after viewing the rough cut; he and Mike are apparently of the opinion that the edit has to be completely done from the beginning. I need to see what they have to say; it’s quite an endeavor to do so, plus, I don’t know how much longer we’ll be welcome at Superior St…another six months seems pretty out of the question.
Been re-reading Robert Rodriguez’s Rebel Without a Crew; it always serves to inspire me.
Hippie Girl harped on me about smoking last night. I think that’s a sign.