I’ve got a few minutes before my first meetings of the day, so it’s as good a time as any to post to the Lizzle Jizzle.
Hey Hey
Baseball season is in full swing, and the Cubs finished off their first homestand 3-3. Not too shabby (although they were off to a rough start). I didn’t get to Opening Day, but I did go to the second game. It was great to be at Wrigley, but the Cubs put on a shoddy performance. I’m looking forward to going to a lot more games this year (a friend of mine and I bought into someone’s season tickets this year, so I’ve got tickets to 18 games. Whoohoo!). And it’s just nice to see a player the Cubs bought living up to the hype. Yay Fukudome!
House Hunters
Our home search for the Suburban Exodus 2008 kicked off “for real” this weekend (we’ve been looking online for a few months already) with Carrie and myself going to look at some houses on Sunday. We saw a nice little house in Glen Ellyn that we really liked, but we’d probably outgrow it in about five years. We did find a great place in Winfield that looks promising. We’re still a couple months away from “pulling the trigger”, but it was good to get out and make it real.
So Say We All
FINALLY, Battlestar Galactica is back on. I found Friday’s episode a little anti-climactic, probably because I was SO jazzed up for it, and then…nothing much happened. I mean, nothing much that we didn’t already know – a lot “happened”. I’m hoping beyond hope that they do something interesting with Starbuck rather than just play out a lot of “is she a Cylon? Who knows?” stuff. Mostly, though, it just seemed like it was a lot of setup for the season, which, given the past season premieres, was a little slower than I’d wanted. But still it was frakin’ awesome.
Other than that, not a lot to report. So happy that the weather is finally turning around; going to be time to start biking again I think.