Those crafty terrorists

Matt Stratton | Jan 31, 2006 min read

I read Bruce Schneier‘s blog pretty regularly (he’s a security technologist and I like to keep up to date on what he has to say about technology). This was from his entry today:

I am reminded of a dead drop technique used by, I think, the 9/11 terrorists. They used Hotmail (or some other anonymous e-mail service) accounts, but instead of e-mailing messages to each other, one would save a message as “draft” and the recipient would retrieve it from the same account later. I thought that was pretty clever, actually.

I guess it just goes to show that no matter what safeguards you try to put in place, they’re always going to be behind what clever people can come up with.

Schneier’s stuff is generally pretty good. His evaluation of the whole FISA thing was very illuminating.

Plus, sometimes he blogs about squid.