Wow, I haven’t really been good with the updating-action of late, and for that I apologize. I’m not sure *why* I’m apologizing – I don’t owe you people nuffin’!
Anyway, here’s what’s been going on.
Work – Going crazy-go-nuts, but in a good way. I’m finally starting to feel comfortable here, like I have a handle on what we do and what needs to be done. There are a LOT of projects coming down the pipe, and a lot of things that need improvement. 2008 is going to be a busy year for me. Speaking of work – I’m going to set up a friends-only filter for work-related things. If you’re interested in the rantings and questions and issues of an IT manager finding his way in the world, please let me know (you can just comment here saying “add me”) and I’ll add you to the filter.
Housing – Carrie and I are still planning to try to buy a house in the spring. We’ve been looking at places in the western burbs, but so far have yet to find anything that really jumps out at us. Which is probably just as well, since we still have some more saving up to do.
Other – The holiday season is making us busy as, well, everyone else. Last Friday we went to Kevin and Nora’s for Kevin’s birthday party (Marie’s pizza and Guitar Hero) and the next day everyone came over to our house for a Birthmannukah party (brisket, kugel, and Wii). This Friday we’ll be going to Kevin and Nora’s again for a Yankee Swap party (which Nora calls “Cutthroat Pollyanna”). Next weekend Erika will be staying with us for a few days, and we’ll be going to Lippy and Julia’s for the Fifth Annual Christmas Cartoon Party. For the actual holiday, we’ll be going to my folks’ house on Xmas eve, and then spending Xmas day with Carrie’s family.
Busy busy busy!