Reception music

Matt Stratton | Mar 19, 2007 min read

So this could be a pretty fun thing. Carrie and I are making up our “please play” and “do NOT play” list for our DJ (Riley). In general, we have every confidence in Riley’s abilities as a DJ, so our “please play” list is probably pretty short – just a few songs that we really love. The “do not play” list is going to be somewhat longer.

Anyway, I thought it would be fun to ask you guys to list the songs you hear at weddings that drive you batty, to help us get some ideas. So far, here is what we have:


I Will Survive (although I think we’re going to concede on this one, since Carrie’s mom wants it)



Electric Slide

My Heart Will Go On

Chicken Dance

Hokey Pokey

Hot Hot Hot

What are we missing?