So yesterday, I got this email from some dude with AFI:
I am interested in getting a screener of your film for a live event. I am originally from the Chicago area and really enjoyed the trailer I saw on’s site. If this is something you are interested in, please contact me.
I haven’t emailed him back yet, but Dallas and I have been chatting. It’s been so long since I’ve done anything with submitting to festivals that I am not sure exactly what to send him. I have two copies of the film on Digibeta, but I’m not sending those out randomly (since the tapes cost like $90). I think what I will do is email him, and tell him I’ll send him a copy of the movie on DVD, along with our PDF press kit, and mention that I do have it on Digibeta as well if he needs that.
Those of you who know about such things – does that sound right?
We’re pretty sure that he’s talking about DWG, because our other CustomFlix stuff doesn’t have a trailer.
Matt: also just double checked to make sure that inventing: films does not have a trailer on customflix :)
Matt: also just rewatched the dwg trailer
Matt: to make sure that it doesn’t look a LOT better than the actual movie :)
Matt: I think the only disappointment would be that there’s not nearly enough Fuzzy
Dallas: Like much of life, there’s not nearly enough Fuzzy.