Oh what a night…

Matt Stratton | Mar 23, 2003 min read

Last night was really fun.

First, my family came into the city so we could take my mom out for her birthday. We went to Barnum and Bagels in Skokie – which creeped my sister out because of all the clowns, apparently. Then the fam came back to my house to provide me with care packages and a trash can, and toe check out the new pad. I think they approve.

After that, Tracy called me and invited me out to a movie with her and Chris. We went to see The Quiet American. Which was really pretty good. Afterwards, we went to Parrots to discuss the flick and then we talked for a couple hours about ideas for Inventing: Stephen. It was such a great movie night. And I really really REALLY enjoying discussing The Quiet American with them; it was so much fun and so stimulating to have that discussion. I miss it.

I’m jealous of them; they go see a LOT of movies together (I could tell, because Tracy could identify the Fandango commercial before we entered the theater, and was singing along with it). I need a girlfriend who is into movies.
