Today Carrie and I went for a nice little bike ride on an alternative to the lake path – the North Shore Channel Trail.
We picked the trail up at its starting point at Lawrence…or so we thought. After riding in circles for a while, we realized we hadn’t actually gotten on the path. Once we figured out what we were doing, it was quite pleasant.
Until we got into Lincolnwood. There, we had to bust a U-turn onto Kedzie (off the path) to cross the river via Lincoln. That sucked.
The rest of the path in Lincolnwood was pretty crappy – there were a couple traffic crossings that were dodgy, and the path was in pretty bad shape. Once we got into Skokie it got much nicer.
All in all, a pretty good ride (15 miles round trip). And I’m sure the lake path was gridlocked today too :)