Originally uploaded by <a href="">Matt Stratton</a><br /> </span></div>
So poor Scout had to have a cyst removed from his head last week. We got the good news today that it was totally benign (it is some kind of tumor that develops from a hair follicle) but they got the whole thing excised and he should be just fine…except for the fact that he looks a little like he had <a href="">brain surgery</a>.
Personally, I’ve been recovering myself – I came down with some nasty upper respiratory stuff last week, and I’m just shaking the last of it now. We had a pretty good weekend though; on Saturday, my sister in law and her boyfriend came out for dinner and Guitar Hero with us, which was a good time.
Sunday, I went to a camera show in Schaumburg with Jason. We planned to spend the day at the show while Jay’s wife and kids were at their grandparents, and then we would all come back to my house for dinner with Carrie.
Jay and I met at the hotel where the show was taking place at 9:50, about ten minutes before it started. As soon as we entered the main show area, we were taken aback.
Taken aback by the fact that we had no idea what we were going to do to kill five hours.
The entire show was basically in a large conference room, and it consisted of guys on folding tables hawking old 35 mm lenses. Which were cool to look at for a few minutes, but there was NOTHING there for those of us rocking digital bodies.
After about 30 minutes of walking in circles, Jay and I ended up spending the rest of the day talking…first over coffee at McDonald’s, and then while walking the entire floor of Woodfield Mall.
Later in the afternoon, we all did end up back at the house in Lisle, where we enjoyed a delicious dinner Carrie had prepared of pulled pork, baked beans, and homemade cole slaw. We had a great time with the Wyckoff kids, although while Ella thinks Scout is hilarious and fun, Miles was pretty scared of him.
Scout needs to work on his social skills.