It’s been said before that history repeats itself. I’m going to prove that. Instead of coming up with some new, awesome content this morning, we’ll take a walk down memory lane and look back to some old-school blog posts of mine – one from each November going back as far as my blog goes. Enjoy the trip, and keep your hands and feet inside the web browser at all times. (Oh, and don’t forget to vote for Doniree! Vote every day until Nov 6, 2009!)
2008 – I expected this to happen, just not so quickly: Shortly after moving the suburbs, I went through a point when I felt completely disconnected from my friends. The good news is, looking back a year later, I can see I was totally over-reacting. My relationships with my city pals are just as good as they were before we moved – they’re different, don’t get me wrong, but they’re still strong. Lesson to be learned? Don’t be such a whiner.
2007 – eBay Annoyances: Actually, there were a bunch of blog posts in Nov 2007 about my new job, but I think that the eBay post is more interesting. Basically, I was going back and forth with an eBay seller who didn’t ship me some books…and decided to “out” them in my blog. This didn’t actually accomplish anything.
2006 – Gilmore Girls = downgrade: If I recall correctly, this was the beginning of the last season of Gilmore Girls…and clearly, I didn’t think it got off to a good start. And looking back three years later…I still agree. The last season of Gilmore Girls was full of fail.
2005 – I like taking pictures of things: This is not really an in-depth blog post (it’s mostly just a link to a Flickr set) but it’s an important one. It represents a trip that Carrie and I took together which ended up being the final catalyst for the two of us getting back together…which turned into getting married…and now we’re having twins.
2004 – Fine. Run away: Posted right after the 2004 Presidential election, it’s my response for everyone who was claiming they were going to move to Canada since George W. Bush had been re-elected President. Looking back, my predictions that everyone world-wide was going to be impacted when GWB started WWIII were a tad bit over-dramatic, but my core comment (which was “Don’t be such a cowardly wimp”), still stands.
2003 – Girly update: Carrie and I met in October of 2003. This post, from early November, is an “update” on how things were going. My favorite part is the last line: “I feel good about this, I think.”
2002 – Quickies: Some random update postings. I had just moved in with Sarah and Chris, and was out of work (but doing some side consulting). Also, there were a bunch of random girls I was involved with, but nothing really good. Nov 2002 was a pretty cruddy month for me.
And that’s as far back as my blog goes. Seven years worth of Novembers…and I have to say, things are sure looking up!