Making strides

Matt Stratton | Jan 18, 2007 min read

Originally uploaded by Matt Stratton.

First of all, this picture doesn’t really have a whole lot to do with my post, other than the fact that I think it’s a decent picture of me.

Anyway, for those of you keeping track at home, I have lost 19 pounds since starting my biking/diet/workout last May. Granted, there have been some yo-yo’s during that time, and I still have quite a ways to go (I’m about halfway to my goal for the wedding), I think that I’m making some nice progress.

My new gym regimen is definitely paying off – I lost two pounds in the last two weeks, and I am also starting to feel the beginnings of some core muscles underneath my flab of a belly (which is shrinking ever-so-slightly) and my chest and arms are already showing more size and definition. Which I think is nice, but someone else thinks is nicer.