Lazy about posting

Matt Stratton | Oct 17, 2006 min read

I haven’t posted in my LJ since last Monday. That’s lazy.

I feel like a lot has happened. But I don’t know if I have the energy to post about it all.

Some things that I *should* write about, but haven’t:

  • Carrie and I went down to Champaign this weekend with my mom and my sister to visit and my other sister, Debbie. Along the way we had lunch with .
    • Lou Piniella will be the new manager of the Chicago Cubs. I am less than thrilled with this.
      • I am sick.
        • The Chicago Bears pulled out a crazy win last night. They did it all after I turned off the game.
          • I still haven’t watched Friday’s episode of Battlestar Galactica.
          The rest of the Cham-bana pictures can be seen here.