It’s too damn hot to work today

Matt Stratton | Aug 1, 2006 min read

Originally uploaded by Matt Stratton.

Granted, my office is air conditioned, but the heat just makes me lethargic. I’ve accomplished very little today, and I’m thinking about going home early.

Carrie and Scout left for Michigan this morning – they’ll be back on Sunday I’ve still got Sammy with me until tomorrow night.

Luckily, I’ve got plenty to do with myself in the mean time. Tonight I will be finishing up the rough cut for Cherie’s Second City video, and then tomorrow night she’s coming over so we can finish that up and work on the slideshow. I have a website to do for my friend Mary’s class reunion (she’s also the florist for our wedding, so it’s good to be able to help her out). I also have a bunch of movies that I’ve wanted to watch that Carrie has no interest in, so I’ll be taking advantage of my bachelorhood in that way as well.

I really want to start riding my bike again, but it’s been far too hot. Maybe on Thursday evening I’ll take it out for a spin.

I was also excited to see that the latest version of the Flickr Export for iPhoto looks like it takes care of all the things I wanted changed in that tool. It’s no longer free, but I think i can pony up the couple bucks for it.

And finally…goodbye, Greg Maddux. I’m sorry to see you go.