Matt Stratton | Jul 20, 2002 min read

Went to Improv Olympic tonight with Tracy, her sister, and Chris.

Saw a team called “Local 914” as well as the always-fun “Baby Wants Candy”.

Local 914 was pretty decent. I was a little confused about their Harold; it seemed somewhat disjointed. And definitely too much stress on being funny. But there were some great moments.

I’ve seen BWC much better than tonight (they did an improv musical based upon the suggested title of “Where’s Your God Now?”), and it definitely had some great moments. There was one scene where a guy’s mom is in the hospital, dying of cancer, and she explains to her son that they have colored her blue wherever the cancer is in her body. The doctor says, “yes, we don’t usually do that, but it’s ‘Take Your Daughter To Work Day’.” It was damn funny.

I think Chris is totally hooked on IO now. He wants to take classes with Tracy and me in September.
