I have nothing to say

Matt Stratton | Sep 22, 2006 min read

Matt and Kate
Originally uploaded by Matt Stratton.

First of all, this picture has nothing to do with my post, but I think Kate looks hilarious.

Yesterday Carrie and I met our wedding photographer, Becky Hill, at Milennium Park for our “engagement” photos. I will admit that I was NOT looking forward to this. I thought it was a useless idea, but Carrie wanted to do it, so I agreed.

It turned out to be a VERY good thing. Do I think that we’ll order prints of any of the photos? Probably not. However, it was a GREAT dry run for the wedding pictures. I do NOT like having my picture taken, and I am certainly not used to spending that amount of time having that done. It was weird, but I’m glad I got that out of the way on the photos that don’t “matter”. Also, once we can see the pictures, I’m guessing I’ll be able to look through them and figure out what *not* to do for the wedding photos.

On the biking front, I’ve been a slacker this week. I rode on Monday, but then skipped three days. I rode in this morning, and it was QUITE unpleasant. When I left, it was just slightly misting. But as soon as I turned onto Lincoln Avenue, I was blasted with a fierce wind that didn’t let up for the entire 7 mile ride. Worse, when I was about 3 miles away from work, it started to rain like it meant it. And then, once I reached the Loop, it REALLY started to come down – stinging rain with gusty winds. Eww!

But I’m here at work now. I’m just not sure how I’m going to make sure my riding clothes get dry enough for my ride home. My workplace is kind of stuffy, and I don’t think they’d take too kindly to me draping my dripping wet dryfit over my cube wall.