(Carrie and I have decided that our Christmas present to each other is going to be a bark collar for our dog, Scout (a 2 1/2 year old Sheltie).
We’ve tried loads of different behavior tricks. I tried a friend’s suggestion of calling him into the kitchen and giving him a treat when he barks, but the problem is, once he starts barking, he goes so crazy he doesn’t pay any attention.
I tried the water bottle, but all that happens when I squirt him with water is he barks louder and runs away.
So we’re ready to try the collar. I want CONCRETE recommendations from dog owners who have used them. I want model and type recommendations and information on HOW you used them successfully. Posts of the following type will be ignored (and mocked offline):
“Shocking your dog is mean. I love animals. Also, I am a hippie.”
“My uncle used one of those collars once. I think he had a dog.”
“You should watch The Dog Whisperer.”