As you may recall from last year, my roommate Mary “adopts” families in need every holiday season (you can read all the history here). Anyway, this year she has adopted two families, and your donations help h
This year she has two families, with the plan to adopt a third if the donations make it possible (or even a fourth or fifth). Two single mothers, one with 3 kids, one with 2 kids.
She accept donations in any form, but easiest would probably be PayPal, Chase Quickpay, Google Wallet, and Square Cash by sending payments to notcontrary [at] gmail [dot] com.
Mary takes 100% of the donated money and purchases things like clothes and household goods for the families, toys for the kids, as well as gift cards for grocery stores they have requested.
Again, any bit of generosity is greatly appreciated. Even if it’s just $5, everything counts!