OK, David Rosenthal, I am TRYING to give you the benefit of the doubt. I understand that you’re just trying to write yourself out of the paper bag that Amy Sherman-Palladino dumped on you.
But man, you are doing a piss-poor job of it. I’d been trying to figure out what was bothering me, and this morning, I finally put my finger on it.
That’s it. Totally boring. And it didn’t start being boring this season, but it’s accelerated in its boringness.
Let’s think about this. Nothing happens anymore. There’s nothing interesting going on. Emily and Richard aren’t paying for Rory’s education anymore, so any “tension” that is played up between Lorelai and her parents is just very…artificial feeling. Luke and Lorelai are over, very anti-climactically. Christopher and Loralei are together, fixing the whole “single parent/broken home” thing. Oh, and did I mention that he’s suddenly rich? Now everyone on the show has tons of cash to throw around, so it’s Life and Death Brigade style parties all the time.
Nobody cares about Logan/Rory, since he’s off in London, and the best conflict that they can come up with is that his co-worker has nice legs.
And why do we care to see Luke on bad dates? This show is told through the viewpoint of the, ahem, “Gilmore Girls” – Luke only exists in his relationship to Lorelai and/or Rory. So we only care about him when he interacts with them – as the “coffee guy”, or as the guy who fancies her, or the guy whose nephew is corrupting Rory, or as the guy who is going to marry Lorelai. The only reason to show us Luke having a terrible date with April’s nutjob swim coach is so that we can see that he realizes that he misses Lor. Um, hello, I think he already knew that. And I think I don’t care.
Seriously, the show never works when they go outside of the viewpoint characters. We don’t see Paris and Doyle without Rory. And when we see Emily and Richard in their own little “B” stories, it’s always lame. The only exception is with Lane, and that’s just because I have a soft spot for ANY scene that focuses on Hep Alien.
I had more things that pissed me off, but I have to get ready for work now. But suffice it to say, that if the show doesn’t stop being Dullsville, I will just have to stop watching it.